Health and safety for small/medium sized businesses
How my insurer helps me manage my health and Safety?
Good health and safety standards help you to run your business successfully. Meeting the requirements of relevant regulation is a central factor in achieving this. Insurers recognise the wider benefits to society of encouraging businesses in following sensible, proportionate measures aimed at helping them to carry their activities.
We are providing this information to help you take sensible steps to manage health and safety effectively.
Insurers will continue to settle legitimate claims. Insurers will also co-operate with businesses such as yours if you need to deal with the consequences of vexatious claims made against you.
Your insurer will always be willing to offer you guidance on what constitutes good practice in managing health and safety. This guidance should be aimed at improving the resilience of your business in dealing with civil law claims made against you, and will be proportionate to the level of risk involved.
Employers’ liability vs public liability - what’s the difference?
Insurers provide cover for businesses’ legal liabilities by issuing:
The Law - the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
Who is an employee?
The are various forms of employment. Often a working individual may not be engaged under a contract of employment, for this reason, insurers include, under an employers’ liability policy, a definition of who is to be treated as an ‘employee’. A typical definition would be:
All these people are covered while working for and under your contol in your business.
We can also help cover for, Car to home to business insurance.